A Tale as Old as Time

A Tale as Old as Time or Breakfast with My Boys or Life With Toddlers or I Could Have Predicted This

Yesterday, I was making myself breakfast a bit after my sons had eaten theirs.

I fried a couple of eggs, and knowing that every time I do so at least one little boy will want some too, I fried an extra one. 

I was enjoying my breakfast checking to see if anyone seemed interested in sharing, and seeing the answer was no, worked my way through my last egg

Two bites from them being gone, my littlest boy eyed my plate and said, “Mommy? You have eggs? I have some?”  And I gladly gave him my last bites. 

A few minutes later: “Mommy, I want more eggs! Make more eggs, please!”

And so the pan was reheated, another egg cracked, and one last egg plated. 

The egg was placed in front of the littlest boy. And the littlest boy? Took one, and only one, bite. 

Sigh. A tale as old as time.

This is Slice 19 of 31 for the Slice of Life March Writing Challenge hosted by Two Writing Teachers.

10 responses to “A Tale as Old as Time”

  1. I think they love the sharing the most. So many meals cooked- not eaten or cooked but not eaten yet. Or in your case cooked on repeat and not wanted. The fact that we will always cook another egg and not try to reason with a toddler shows wisdom in my book. I loved the way you tried to think ahead… maybe it will work next time!🥰


      • Don’t get me started. Lol. But it’s so worth it. Today, I wrote about how a visit from one of those grown toddlers changed my mood. Hang in there and do savor the moments.


  2. Great slice of naps at Great Wolf! I have held my once upon a time small son as he slept in the chaos of Farm Show and Fourth of July Fireworks. You are right – enjoy the moments while you can (he would now crush me if he laid on my lap!).


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