Sunday Thoughts: On Battling the Sunday Scaries

I keep thinking about the advice from my son, which I wrote about yesterday, to focus on the fun things that are happening instead of the bad.

I keep thinking about a book I recently read, 4000 Weeks: Time Management for Mortals, in which author Oliver Burkeman wrote about being intentional with how you use your time, and in which he challenges the urge to be constantly productive instead of allowing yourself true rest.

I keep thinking about a quote I read recently, observing that we’ve made rest a reward rather than a right.

I keep thinking about all the Sundays and last days of breaks or vacations that I’ve lost to the Sunday blues or “Sunday Scaries.” 

I keep thinking that the reality of being a working mom is that often I just flat out do need to do work (schoolwork, housework, or otherwise) on a Sunday, but that maybe I don’t need to spend a whole day lamenting this fact.

I keep thinking about how many teacher friends I’ve seen posting about the Sunday Scaries today or this weekend, especially my friends coming off of our Spring Break.

I keep thinking that it’s time to make it my mission to shift from Sunday Scaries to Sunday Fundays, because life is too short to feel like this every week.

This piece is part of the #SOL24 March Slice of Life Story Challenge hosted by the Two Writing Teachers.

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