I’m Up Too Late, But…

It’s like this:

Every night, I am up later than I should be.  Every morning, it’s hard to get out of bed. Every day, I feel tired.  Every New Year, I resolve to finally go to bed earlier. Repeat.

Oh sure, I have occasional, isolated successes in getting to bed early. This year, with some accountability from friends, I feel like I may even be making some headway on my goal for once (present month of extra writing/reading/commenting/Slicing excluded). But by and large, when it comes to my patterns and sleep habits… I just am who I am.

You see, I would go to bed earlier, but…

…I am biologically wired to be a Night Owl, and 16 years of working an Early Bird job has yet to change that.

…I often get a second wind and do some of my best creative thinking at night.

…this seems like a good time to squeeze in a quick yoga/pilates workout or maybe jump on my bike for a few minutes.

…I love to take a leisurely, hot shower before bedtime.

…when else would I do the laundry?

…sometimes night is the only time I get to enjoy a quiet house to myself.

…these lunches aren’t going to pack themselves.

…I’m at a really interesting part in my audiobook.

…I clicked on one Reel and now mysteriously an hour of my life has disappeared. 

…I have to update my lesson plans before tomorrow morning.

… I still have to text my dad my daily Wordle and Connections scores. 

…I’ve gotten into puzzling and once I start it’s really hard to stop. 

…this seems like a good time to finally reply to my group chats and Marco Polo videos.

…there are snacks to be eaten.


…have you seen my nightstand book stack? Just one more chapter. 

…there are Slices to be written.

…I feel like I am trying to fit at least three lives into one (my professional life, my parenting life, and my personal life) and those hours just don’t add up.

…I just need a little time each day to focus only on me.

So yes, once again, I am up too late. But, I have my reasons. And tomorrow… I’ll have my coffee.

This piece is part of the #SOL24 March Slice of Life Story Challenge hosted by the Two Writing Teachers.

8 responses to “I’m Up Too Late, But…”

  1. Oh, I hear this. Loud and clear. I am so similar! I love how you listed all the things out like this!!!

    I keep thinking I’m going to go to bed earlier. And then every night it is after 11… and I finally pick up my kindle to read just a little before I sleep.

    My youngest is a night owl too! We go to bed around the same time. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love finding another friend who “gets it”! Every morning I vow to go to bed earlier because I’m so tired. And yet, every night…

      So far, I think my youngest is going to be a night owl like me. Meanwhile, my older son has been an early riser since day 1 – 5:30am wake ups year round, no matter what. That should have been my reason to switch to an earlier bedtime about 7 years ago, but here we are… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • So funny – My oldest son (middle child) has always been an early riser too! He used to get up soooooo early. Now as a teenager he sometimes sleeps in a bit .. but as a general rule he is the first to go to bed around here, and the first to wake up.


  2. Wow – never thought there could be this many reasons for not going to bed early enough. It’s a great list! I so know what you mean about being biologically wired to be a night owl but having that early morning job. I like how you address those three lives and not enough hours for each. So true. Go get some sleep!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We are living the same life, Sis. I’m reading/writing/replying just before the deadline, too, and kicking myself as I watch the minutes pass.
    I’ll meet you at the coffee pot in the morning 🤭😘

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